
Jonizáló hajkefe inFace ZH-10DSB (barna)

Jonizing hairbrush inFace ZH-10DSB (brown) Jonizáló hajkefe inFace ZH-10DSB
(barna) Felejtsd el az unalmas és monoton frizurákat. Az inFace ionizáló kefe
fényes és frissesíti haját. A fejlett termikus technológiának, az 5 hőmérsékleti
fokozatnak és a negatív ionok hatásának köszönhetően frizurája volument és
selymes puhaságot kap. Mit jelent ez számodra? Egyedülállóan elbűvölő
megjelenés, amely felkelti a körülötted lévők figyelmét! A készülék intelligens
NTC hőmérséklet-figyelést használ, így teljesen biztonságos a használata.
Mindössze 10 másodpercbe telik, amíg a kefe felmelegszik és használatra kész.
Ezenkívül akár 43 foggal is fel van szerelve, amelyek lehetővé teszik a haj
egyenletes és finom simítását. Intelligens hőmérséklet szabályozás When
designing the inFace ionizing brush, solutions were used to make hair styling
not only easy, but also safe. The device is equipped with 43 teeth that
gradually change color as the temperature increases, and advanced NTC technology
is responsible for intelligently monitoring the temperature and preventing
overheating. From now on, you can be sure, your hair is protected and styling is
effective. Ready to go in 10 seconds Thanks to the advanced MCH heating element,
the inFace brush heats up in just 10 seconds, which is up to 3 times faster than
the previous model! You don't have to waste any more time waiting - from now on
you'll get the desired results quickly. Moreover, you can use the device on both
dry and wet hair without any problems. Taking care of your hair The inFace
ionizing brush will allow you to say goodbye to the problem of frizzy hair.
Thanks to the action of negative ions, it effectively neutralizes static
electricity. As a result, every strand of your hair will be visibly groomed and
smoothed, and you will enjoy perfectly styled, shiny hair - and all day long!
Your safety is a priority Care has been taken to eliminate the risk of burns.
Each tooth of the brush is equipped with thermal insulation to prevent excessive
heat, so you don't have to worry about burning your scalp or hands. For added
protection, PA material has been used to ensure reliable heat conduction. All
this translates into total safety of use. In addition, the device automatically
shuts off after 30 minutes. Dreamlike comfort of use With a 5-stage temperature
control (from 120°C to 200°C), you can conveniently control the styling process.
In addition, the weight of the brush is only about 276 g, allowing you to use it
for long periods of time without excessive hand fatigue. The 2-meter long cord
rotates 360°, guaranteeing you total freedom. In addition, the device remembers
the last used temperature, so you don't have to adjust it every time you use it.
Let the inFace brush become your best friend for daily grooming and styling! In
the set: Ionizing hair brush Instructions for use Gyártó inFace Modell ZH-10DSB
Névleges teljesítmény 28 W Névleges feszültség 220V~ Hőmérséklet tartomány 120°C
/ 140°C / 160°C / 180°C / 200°C Méretek 260 x 30 x 46 mm C Súly 272 m Színes
hossz 276 m barna

Ár: 20.790 Ft
Termék: Hajápolási termékek
Feladás dátuma: 2024.09.28
Eddig megtekintették 4 alkalommal
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Jonizáló hajkefe inFace ZH-10DSB (barna)

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